Thursday 5 December 2013

Down the road a bit.

Returning to my mumbling words on my various blogs, after some frustrating times with Internet Service Providers not living up to their side of the bargain, I will endeavor to push procrastination aside and make more regular visits to these blogs.

Admittedly, reading other blogs from more eloquent bloggers is much more fun, but occasionally it is necessary to make the keyboard feel the gentle touch of my fingers, in return for the cathartic relief these actions provide.

Perhaps a more structured wall flow chart will encourage me to be more regular in my writing habits?
Time will only tell.

Thursday 5 March 2009

FND, Flexible New Deal?

Perhaps I have been too busy, desperately seeking support from the 'old' New deal, to notice or be aware that there was a FND, Flexible New Deal, being rolled out?

As a 50 plus Incapacity Benefit recipient, struggling to survive on +/_ £80 per week, while seeking specific retraining funding, I would like to ask this question.

“How many out of work people were consulted on this new scheme and where can one obtain a copy of their feed-back?"

As usual, there appears to be a lot of spin coming from the government, a lot of negativity from the so called private sector agencies and contractors and most importantly, a huge amount of depressed feelings coming from the very people it is supposed to be helping.

Sunday 1 March 2009


Is redundancy a polite word for getting fired? Could it be that it is used in polite circles, whispered softly, so as not to attract attention from well meaning people who start addressing you in the third person, followed by understanding pats on the shoulder?
Far more importantly to those who have experienced this, is the question on how does one deal with it?

Perhaps this website will be of interest?

Wednesday 25 February 2009

Fact or Fiction?

Retraining funding- Is it fact or fiction?

Once one has been made redundant because the bank, supermarket, car manufacturer, government department or corner shop has gone down the toilet, you are left with a sickening question.
Why me? What did I do wrong to deserve this?
Of course you rush of to the social services with wringing hands and register for assistance.

And then it gets very interesting. Some days you scream with frustration, some days you want to strangle the very people that say they can help you. But mostly you laugh hysterically until the tears start running down your face.
The next day you pick yourself up, trying hard to be positive and start all over again.
I have still yet to discover, if the retraining funding is fact or fiction…?

Friday 18 July 2008

In the beginning

At the start of any activity or enterprize, one sets out to achieve certain objectives, allowing for the mercurial nature of life and trusting that if approached in the right manner, a certain amount of success will be achieved.
My blog is going to be a record of this venture, listing all the trials tribulations along the way.

I hope to elicit some response, so that I may learn from others and in doing so, make the journey less painful. Above all, I wish it to be fun, but accept that due to the nature of some of the future content, it will cause much needed interaction and in doing so benefit all those that grace us with their visits?